A Note to the Reader of 'Our Super Teacher'

This book shares nine wellbeing practices that Our Super Teacher, Ms. Aoife Kelly practised with children. Aoife prioritised educating the children in wellbeing, above all and was dedicated to equipping them with the skills, that they would need to care for their minds and their bodies. Aoife inspired all teachers who worked with her to do the same, as they could see, first hand, the positive results that it had for everyone.

As you know, we live in a fast-paced and demanding world and this is absolutely true for our children too. The emotional, mental and physical wellbeing of our children is crucial and requires our guidance and support from early on.

Instead of expecting children to automatically know how to care for their minds and their bodies, when faced with strong emotions, fears, anxieties or when they need to be reminded of what is truly important in life, we can help.

We can teach them the skills and practices, that they can use everyday, to support their wellbeing. These practices allow space for them to acknowledge their thoughts and feelings, to process and to move through them, at their own pace.

Creating a routine, where these practices are incorporated into our daily lives, allow children to become more aware of how to care for their minds and their bodies. In doing so, they can understand themselves more clearly and therefore grow in confidence and self-esteem.

The ‘Our Super Teacher Support Pack’, at the back of the book, explains each of the nine wellbeing practices in further detail. It gives guidance and support for engaging with and practising these wellbeing and mindfulness activities also.

I hope that you enjoy reading 'Our Super Teacher' and that you too can find the time, to practise living life mindfully.

Julie-Ann x